Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Crazy Evangelicals

Jesse Amanda (she's new at Pandagon, fresh from MouseWords!) breaks down this crazy essay about how women shouldn't be allowed to play sports, because they make girls mannish, unattractive to his repressed self, and un-Biblical... or something:

Most men I know admire a woman who is reasonably healthy and fit; they are also attracted to a woman who is somewhat “soft” and cuddly. This does not mean she should be delicate like tissue paper; no, a woman should be reasonably strong, and the normal duties of life will make her that way. This is what we learn from the Proverbs 31 woman. However, if you look at pictures of female athletes who play sports or observe them on the playing fields, you will notice that many develop strong, muscular bodies. Female athletes also sneer, wince, push, and fight just like the men. I notice these things all the time in pictures in our hometown newspaper. The sneers are most obvious; they make young women very unfeminine. The masculine uniforms and sweaty bodies aren’t very attractive, either.

Oh no!! Sneering!

Given that sports may very well foster pagan and humanistic attitudes, I urge parents to think deeply about this issue and about whether or not any members of their families should participate in organized sports programs. As a minimum, I hope you will agree with me that we should keep our daughters away from competitive sports and spend our time training them how to be Biblically feminine women, wives and mothers. [emphasis mine]

But but but... but we see here that Jesus loves playing organized sports with girls!

So which is it?