Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Krugman, Lieberman, Social Security, etc.

As usual, Krugman's on point. He's just the next in line to jump on Lieberman for essentially siding with the Republicans both on the bankruptcy bill and on social security "reform".

On the bankruptcy bill, Joe voted for cloture, but against the floor vote. The vote for cloture is the damning one, as it helped close the debate of the bill. The floor vote essentially didn't matter after debate had been closed. The best chance the Dems had to stop the bill was in the debate, before the cloture vote. Thanks, Joe.

And when it comes to social security, Joe has been dutifully repeating GOP talking points, ostensibly to appear as if he is being bipartisan and cooperative. Problem is, the GOP is neither bipartisan nor cooperative, and Joe still hasn't learned this. All he's doing is offering them political cover for their misguided, and fairly evil, plan to privatize ss and leave millions of people exposed to higher risk.

John Chait, filling in at TPM this week, discusses this further.

Additionally, there's a bit of a pile-on of a Sebastian Mallaby column in the Washington Post this week as well. The column is here.

And here are the critiques by Matt Yglesias, Josh Marshall, John Chait, and Bob Somerby (via Atrios).