Monday, March 14, 2005

Senator Rick Santorum (R-VA(?!?))

During my time on the Kerry campaign in Chester County, Pennsylvania, I found a warm space deep deep down in the cockles of my heart... maybe even in the sub cockle region... for all things that would, could, will, and might help the upright citizens of that great state take down, once and for all, Senator Rick Santorum (try googling santorum, too. It's fun).

So that brings me to Chuck Pennacchio's site. Chuck is running for Rick's seat in 2006, and has some information he'd like to share with you about Rick's supposed "Pennsylvania residency", plus some other dirt you might find interesting. Check it out, and pass it around (also cross posted at, where else, DailyKos). And may Rick Santorum lose next November. Badly.