Monday, March 28, 2005

Kick 'Em When They're Down

Much like Trot Nixon's approach when facing the Anaheim Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim in the ALDS...

"When you get a guy hanging over a cliff, hanging on with his fingers, you don't want to let him up," Boston outfielder Trot Nixon said. "You want to step on his fingers."

...the Rude Pundit knows that, in certain situations, one needs not only to knock one's enemies down, but also kick them bloody senseless once they hit the floor...

"But of course the delicate question is how the Democrats use the glazed eyes of Terri Schiavo against the Republicans. And, as with most matters political, the Rude Pundit has the ready, easy solution: it's all about the inference of language. If a Democrat is up against a Schiavo Republican (and, good, wise, vaguely left pundits everywhere should start calling the wacked-out, ultra-Christian Republicans by this nom de guerre), don't bring out Schiavo's corpse. Instead, just say that you support the government staying out of "the most intimate decisions a person" (or "family") "can make." Or some such shit. You see what that does? It evokes Schiavo without saying her name and, frankly, it also covers things like abortion rights, gay rights, and more. If the Schiavo Republican wants to question you about it, then you have free rein to bring up Schiavo. Despite the cries to the contrary that the Schiavo matter will go away, rest assured: by 2006, the Republican party will have either been eaten by its most rabid members or be silent on Schiavo to the point of suffocation."

The GOPer Winger Nutjob Fundies and the congressmen they love are all on the floor after this Schiavo mess. Let's not let them up without a good beatdown first. As my mom asked me earlier today, "Just who the hell do they think they are?"