Friday, March 25, 2005

Making Our Case

Digby has a killer post about the larger picture surrounding this Schiavo case and what the Dems need to do to assert themselves. Check it out (emphasis mine, along with a little formatting adjustment):

"These people want to dictate how you live your private life. They want to tell you who you can marry, how to raise your kids, what religion to practice (and you must practice it) and what "values" you must hold. And they want to use the strong arm of the government to do it. Sure, there are problems in our society. Yes we are living in a fast paced society in which it is difficult to raise children and the world is changing so quickly that it's hard to keep your balance sometimes. But most Americans don't wish for others to make decisions for them about how to live their day to day lives, regardless of the challenges. It's just not the American character.


"It's just this simple:

  • The Republican party wants to tell you how to live your personal life while they systematically remove all government cooperation in ameliorating the risks this fast paced world creates.

  • The Democrats want the government to leave you to make your own personal decisions while having it help you mitigate the social and economic risk our fast paced world creates.

It is a stark choice. There is no reason we cannot begin to make the affirmative case for ourselves on this basis."

We've got to start making our case.