Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Update: Is this Russia?

The plot is thickening in the case of the American who was detained without charge or evidence in Saudi Arabia.

Seems he's turned up on U.S. soil in the hands of the Justice Department, which is charging him with conspiracy to assassinate Dubya. At least they've charged him with something this time.

Holden breaks it down at First Draft.

NOTE: Should this guy be proven guilty, I hope he goes away for a long, long time. The trouble I have with this situation is that he was held for 20 months without being charged, on foreign soil. That's illegal. And it's wrong. And, as I said in my previous post, it sets a dangerous precedent. That is, it paves the way for the government of the United States to circumvent constitutionality by using a foreign government as an agent in detaining American Citizens. If you think about that and it doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.

Oh yeah, and he's claiming he's been tortured, and has the scars on his back to prove it, which is just another indication that we're outsourcing more than jobs these days.

Update to the Update: And because it wouldn't be a story without one, there's also a great, and revealing, diary at Kos that fleshes this stuff out even more.