Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Keith Olbermann comments nicely on Guckert's ridiculous claims of invasion of privacy and points to the fake reporters own lack of understanding the basic nature of the real media - it's all fair game. If you're gonna play the game, you better know the rules. Once you've made yourself a public figure (even one hiding behind a made-up name), everything you say and do in public (which includes posting naked pics of yourself on the internet, genius) is fair game.

But Olbermann's conclusion is what's most telling, I think:

“I can’t speak to the White House vetting process,” Guckert/Gannon told CNN in the only answer he gave that even bordered on being substantive. “I suppose that they don’t - they aren’t interested in reporters’ sexual history either.” This would come as a surprise to the ABC producer/reporter in Iraq who was outed by the infamous Matt Drudge (because, as Drudge told The Washington Post, “Someone in the White House communications shop tipped me to it”) as being not only gay, but Canadian.

Again...it all goes back to the White House. With Dubya trying his darndest to charm the knickers off of "old" Europe, the media should be pressing the issue as to who in the White House allowed Guckert in to the press briefings in the first place, who leaked him info, and who put him up to it. Do not let up on this story - Guckert is only one degree of separation away from someone high up on the food chain, and the dangling threads are crying out to be pulled together.