Sunday, February 13, 2005

Right Hook

Via The Left Coaster, here's a column by Paul Craig Roberts, both a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan Administration and a former associate editor for the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. Mr. Roberts, a conservative and a Republican, takes the gloves off and goes to town on the Bush administration and its foreign policy blunders relating to Iraq and the Middle East. It's a damning account that includes the following graf:

"There is no possibility of the US imposing its will on the Muslim world. By its behavior the Bush administration is confirming Osama bin Laden's propaganda and breeding more terrorists. Much better to address the causes of Muslim discontent--America's enabling of the Israeli government's mistreatment and dispossession of the Palestinians, and America's export of "culture" that glorifies the sexual promiscuity of women."

Could this be the beginning of a conservative backlash against the remarkably non-conservative and misguided policy-making of the current administration? Let's hope so.