Saturday, February 12, 2005

Leak? What leak?

And the saga of tracking down the source of the CIA leak continues, with nary a charge in sight.

Feb. 11, 2005 Washington -- Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has stepped aside from the Justice Department investigation into the leak of an undercover CIA officer's identity.

Gonzales had been involved in the case as White House legal counsel, testifying before a federal grand jury and giving advice about it to White House personnel.

He recused himself from the matter shortly after he was sworn in as attorney general last week, Justice Department spokeswoman Tasia Scolinos said Friday. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft had also removed himself from any role in the investigation.

The article goes on to note that:

The leak investigation is in its second year with no charges brought. [Special Counsel US Attorney Patrick] Fitzgerald is battling with reporters from Time magazine and The New York Times for access to their confidential sources, which a federal judge has ruled they must divulge or face possible jail time. The reporters have appealed the ruling.

May I humbly suggest that Fitzgerald might just discover the source of the leak if they force right-wing shill -and possible traitor - Robert Novak to reveal who it was that leaked him the info.

Oh, and instead of pursuing reporters from the NYT and Time magazine, perhaps Fitzgerald might actually turn up some evidence if he pursued fake columnist and liar James Guckert, who somehow managed to gain access to classified CIA documents, despite the fact that he was operating under an assumed name.

Maybe going after the ones we know have been directly involved with the CIA leak would actually turn up some evidence. It's so crazy, it just might work!