Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Lies Continue

I'm not going to try to tackle the Social Security war from a technical standpoint, but I will post here any thoughts I have, and also point y'all towards the folks who are good at the econ-numbers-mumbo-jumbo. So here's a look at what Bush's proposal might mean to you, and the recent string of SOTU words that should get him in hot water as a liar. Whether it happens or not is up to the pansy-ass SCLM, and how much Reid and Pelosi fight the administration publicly.

It seems to me that the ulterior motive in this whole suggested SS overhaul is for Wall Street and money managers to reap the enormous windfall that goes along with managing the "private accounts". Jesse gets irate about it, too.

They all seem to be covering the bases on this stuff. So I'll just offer it up.