Friday, April 08, 2005

My God... These People are NUTS

The NYT has an article (via Kagro X at Kos) about the theo-conservative conference entitled "Confronting the Judicial War on Faith" that took place in Washington yesterday. If you're hair isn't curled yet, it will be after you read what these people - including, by the way, House Majority Criminal Leader Tom DeLay - want to do to the balance of power in our country. Take a look, but watch out, this is creepy:

Mr. DeLay alluded to Congressional authority to "set the parameters" of courts' jurisdictions and its obligation "to make sure the judges administer their responsibilities."

The organizers of the conference and Congressional staff members who spoke there called for several specific steps: impeaching judges deemed to have ignored the will of Congress or to have followed foreign laws; passing bills to remove court jurisdiction from certain social issues or the place of God in public life; changing Senate rules that allow the Democratic minority to filibuster Mr. Bush's appeals court nominees; and using Congress's authority over court budgets to punish judges whom it considers to have overstepped their authority.

"I am in favor of impeachment," Michael Schwartz, chief of staff to Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, said in a panel discussion on abortion, suggesting "mass impeachment" might be needed.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, where have these people come from? And why aren't they called out as lunatics at every turn? We've got to fight these people for every friggin inch. They are essentially saying that they want to dismantle the Republic as we know it.

Checks and Balances? Gone.

Filibuster? Toast.

Religious freedom? See Ya.

Separation of Church and State? Toodles.

Judicial Review? HA!

This is serious business. And they are sure that what they are doing is God's Will, which makes it even scarier.