Friday, March 18, 2005

Something Positive

Ok ok, I've got something...

Last night on the phone, Benari and I were discussing how impressed we were with the actions and determination of Minority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV). I don't think either of us expected him to be such a galvanizing force among the Senate Democrats, and we're currently seeing coordination and a level of party unity (with a couple notable exceptions) that is unlike anything we ever saw under Daschle.

In fact, Daschle's defeat in November may have been a blessing in disguise for the Democrats, because they seemed unable to make any of the kind of headway under his leadership that we have seen in only a few months under Reid.

Among recent activities, Reid has:

come out against the FEC's stated intent to regulate the internet with regards to political causes (also covered here);

battled with GOP leadership over Judicial Appointments and the "nuclear option";

come out vocally about Greenspan's political hackery and AG Alberto Gonzales' horrendous record on human rights;

and opened a full time Democratic rapid response center/war room.

Since taking on the mantle of Minority Leader, Reid has done everything he can to lead boldly by example, as a good leader should. He has been strong, proactive, and outspoken. Let's hope he continues to be a thorn in the side of the GOP's "progress" in Senate until he assumes "Mjority Lader" status in 2007...